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Research Involving Children

儿童(任何18岁以下的人)只有在研究符合一定标准的情况下才能作为研究对象参与, defined in the federal regulations (Subpart D of 45 CFR 46). Specifically, 除非能给孩子带来直接的好处,否则这项研究的风险可能不会超过最低限度.


Review Procedures


Full Review

与儿童有关的研究通常由内部审查委员会全体成员在一次会议上进行审查. The full meeting schedule is posted on the home page.

  • Examples of projects that might fall under this category:
    • 询问孩子们对标准课程之外的话题的意见或想法
    • Games or tests that are used to study child development
    • 研究与教与学没有直接关系的课题(例如.g. sensitive social topics; social, emotional, or personal characteristics of the students ).
    • Access to educational records (e.g. grades, test scores, progress reports, and disciplinary status).

Exempt Review


  • involves ONLY observation of public behavior (i.e. in a public park)
  • involves normal educational practices and curriculum

Child Safety Training

All researchers must review Smith College’s Child Safety Policy 并在开始涉及儿童的研究之前完成必要的培训.

Campus School of Smith College

User Guide

Any researcher wishing to conduct research at the Campus School of Smith College 应参阅用户指南(2019年2月更新)以获取如何进行的说明.


Obtaining Approval to Conduct Classroom Research

Contact Graeham Dodd, director of curriculum design & innovation at the school.

Obtaining Approval to Conduct Scholarly Research

所有在校园进行的研究必须经过学校管理部门的审查和批准. 请遵循以下清单,以便考虑批准您的研究计划.

Important note regarding projects that are subject to IRB review: Approval from the IRB Office does not guarantee approval from Campus School administration. 反之亦然:学校管理部门的批准 does not guarantee approval from the IRB Office.

Submit your IRB proposal using the Mentor IRB system. 如果你心中有一个特定的老师/教室,确保你把它包括在你的IRB提案中.

  • The Campus School director of curriculum design & 创新中心将审查你的提案,以确定学校管理部门是否愿意允许这项研究进行. If Campus School approves your research proposal, 您和IRB办公室都将被通知您的项目已通过审核 approved pending IRB approval.
  • 如果你的项目没有得到学校管理部门的批准, 您将收到课程设计总监的电子邮件通知 & innovation. The project will not be eligible for completion at Campus School.

After receiving approval from the Campus School, the IRB will conduct a formal review of your proposal. IRB将为您提供关于您的项目是否可以进行的最终决定.


If your project is approved by all required parties, 请按照以下步骤来调动你的研究:

  • 完成所有要求的儿童安全培训和背景调查. Campus School will provide you with guidance on the requirements.
  • 校园学校必须有所有完成培训的文件,并通过背景调查.

The director of curriculum design & innovation will assist you with coordinating your study. This includes connecting you with teachers, sending home and monitoring the collection of permission slips, signing out work spaces as needed, 并确保参与研究的孩子是那些得到父母/监护人许可的孩子.

Obtaining Parental Permission at the Campus School


家长同意书所涵盖课程的家长通知 -研究人员被要求给家长寄一封信,通知他们正在进行的研究,并提供回答问题的机会. This letter must be sent out prior to the start of the research. 这封信应该说明这项研究已经得到了澳门葡京博彩软件伦理委员会和校园学校管理部门的批准,并且它属于他们在学年开始时签署的家长同意文件.

家长同意表未涵盖的研究的家长同意 -研究人员在与孩子互动之前必须征得父母的同意. See consent templates below.

Other Schools

你将被期望从你计划招募参与者的学校的相应管理人员那里获得一封支持信. 这封信应该用官方抬头的信纸,并包括两个主要部分:

  • 已审阅研究设计及任何访谈/调查问题或游戏的声明
  • 他们被授权允许在学校进行这项研究的声明, contingent on IRB approval.

Parental Consent

涉及儿童的研究需要父母/监护人的书面许可. If the study poses more than minimal risk to the child, 内部审查委员会可能需要父母/监护人双方的书面许可.

Child Assent

Once parental/guardian permission has been obtained, the agreement or assent of the child is required. The child's assent is documented with an assent form, 一份儿童友好的文件,概述了研究的基本信息. 具有读写能力的儿童应使用以儿童专用语言书写的同意书参与同意过程.

Written Assent (Ages 7-17)

从7岁起,需要孩子的书面同意(除了父母或监护人的同意)。. 同意书应以未成年参与者能够理解的方式书写. 研究者应根据需要使用补充的口头解释.

Oral Assent (Age 6 or Younger)

For participants who are 6 and younger, the researcher should obtain the child's assent to participate, but a signature is not required. 对儿童的解释应包含以儿童能理解的方式表达同意的要素. 对话式的问题/答案设置通常是最有用的交流形式. With very young children, the child's nonresistant behavior may be interpreted as assent, 但研究人员必须特别注意,停止参与任何儿童似乎经历了不适当的压力从研究过程中.